My BLOG is getting loved - intentionally.

My blog has been getting some one-on-one time (like a child who needs some extra attention). It got a makeover and was bumped up on my priority list (right below my 3rd child... bahaha just kidding.) But really, it's like re connecting with an old friend. And my old friend is awesome.

Because I'm list maker (and so I can hold myself accountable), I'm listing the purposes of having a blog...

First of all, to document and share my journey as a photographer (did you know I started this blog in 2008!?)

Second, to share my photos.

Third, I have a blog so I can connect with others! I connect with clients and photog friends and we get to know each other better!

and Fourth, FOR FUN. I enjoy it - so it has a special place in my life and business!

One of my goals for 2017 is to do things with intention, and breathing life into this blog is something I intend to do this year (and forever after!)

What are you doing with intention this year?

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