Baby Snow Leopard {Utah Photographer}

31jul 127-1-2

Can't forget about this little guy! He's almost 3 months old, and way cuter than any stuffed animal I've ever seen! He was sleeping 95% of the time I was watching him, but he glanced up for just a few moments, and I caught this! Needlesstosay, I am stoked! He's going to be a big cat one day! But he's gorgeous!

1 comment

  1. How special! It's not every day you get to see baby animals!

    Could I get your advice? I'm going to visit my sister in American Fork, and she wants me to take her family portraits & her son's Eagle Court of Honor portraits, but I have no idea where to go in American Fork to do that. I'm not familiar with that area. Do you have any suggestions??
    thornytreelady @ gmail . com
