Temple Square

temple square 045temple square 012-1 temple square 037-1 

It was so beautiful! Cold, but beautiful! It was a nice outing with 2 of Cameron's sisters, and their little families! It was a good chance to practice some night-time photography! Cameron bundled up Ezekiel and pretty much zipped him up in his jacket, and Ziek slept the whole time. Makoa was bundled up in the stroller but then he got out and ran around with his Auntie Emi until he was totally freezing cold, then he shared the stroller with his cousin, Kiki. It was cute. Did I mention it was cold? We didn't last too long, but long enough to enjoy the beautiful lights, and get back into the cars before our exposed skin was frozen to the point it had no feeling at all!   

1 comment

  1. Oh hey are you back in salt lake? Are u coming for the photo shoot Naomi is planning March? I'm excited for it! That should be fun! Great pix of temple square!
