Illustrative Portraiture

I would be lying if I said I wasn't thrilled about these images of my boys. I bought new reflectors (reigniting my love for manipulating light) and was exposed to the concept of illustrative portraiture by photographer extraordinaire, Sue Bryce and decided to give it a try. I am blown away at the impact of these images, and maybe I'm biased because they're my own offspring, but I worked hard on these images! The lighting and expressions were intentional, and adding the texture has made these my favorite portraits to date! I've already ordered large prints of each of them and can't wait to have them up on my walls! 

I'm kind of in love with this technique and plan to do a lot more of it! The timing is kind of perfect because it's getting cold outside! (I still plan on doing lots of outdoor sessions too, but this will balance me out!)

Portrait Party... aka Photo Partay!!

I am super behind on posting images from the past few sessions, but these girls are dying to see their pictures, so I'm "throwing" them up here! 

We laughed a lot as these girls worked the camera. :) Really, they're just naturally beautiful girls and getting incredible shots of them was easy peasy. 

My sister (the first one pictured) will be going back to Hawaii at the end of the month and wanted some fallish pictures before she leaves (haha pun not intended)! The colors weren't as brilliant as we had hoped, but obviously we got some good shots even if they don't scream Autumn! 

Honestly, so much fun!